The Internet Gateway to Hell

The Internet Gateway To Hell

A long time ago, I was working on a field in New Jersey, And my manager who kindly lets me use the computer for internet access told me about a website which he warned is dangerous and it could send me to hell. I didn't quite believe him.
I typed in and sure enough, I saw some text in french and russian, since I took exams in russian and french, the french text said:
''It will be fun, Hi I'm going to kill you now. Goodbye! do not worry, It will be fun! I didn't believe this, the russian text said roughly Depths of hell attack you.''

I was slightly not bothered, until my computer started acting strange, Then it went black, I saw text appear, it said the russian text again, and it flashed until... I saw
What looked like blood dripping repeating over and over, I'm sure I've never had this video file of blood. It started to flash then the computer give me the blue screen of death.
I had to restore everything, He asked me what happened, and I replayed dangerous site killed your computer and he said don't worry, I've done this before, I used to be like you and didn't know what to expect.
I did it again by accident and it repeated again and this time the demon said the Russian text like... it said the text with its own frigging voice. Me and my girlfriend arrived home from a flight home from Jamaica Sunday, and the house was dark so I entered with my mobile phone's light and... all our belongings were on the floor, and the lamps... Smashed! then I walked over to the smashed T.V. and I got choked literally, the demon said to me "I'll let you go if you promise to never visit the site ever again" I nodded and he left.
I've never seen that thing again, and the search history for the site had been wiped and the computer was working again and the smashed items... We had to buy them again. I wish I never visited the site, Please don't visit the site like I did. I really regret it, you'll get a virus too.